Wednesday, October 29, 2014

print gambar murah 4R 30 sen

ok.. disebabkan banyak sangat aku jimat.. order kali ke 5 atau 6 dah rasanya. Memang murah sangat lah rasanya order printing dengan eoe ni. Kadang gambar lawa-lawa dan bermakna banyak sampai beratus dalam dslr dan smartphone tapi tak print. Tak semua tokwan dan tok ayah korang reti belek fb ngan instagram!

adik-adik..abang-abang mari sini print ngan eoe. Saya promote free dalam blog ni sebagai customer yang puas hati. hehehe..

gambar 4R yang sangat murah 30sen je sekeping. Betul!!! Kalau order lebih rm35 free postage.
Tips: akhir tahun nanti.. pilih gambar event for the whole year. Leh buat album tahunan gitu. Print sekaligus.

nak tau cara order printing dengan eoe?

pegi ke website dia

download dulu software- eoe photo express

dan sebelum tu kena log in.. register dulu id eoe korang ye.
bila dah download software.. pegi buka application tu. kuar cam gambar bawah ni. Abaikan gambar pengantin tengah makan tu.

bila dah log in.. tekan button --->Prints

sebaiknya korang asingkan awal-awal gambar yang nak print letak dalam satu folder. Senang... pilih "Select All" maka automatik sume gambar akan dipilih tak payah tekan satu-satu. Lepas tu tekan "next"

sini.. pilih saiz gambar.. kalau semua gambar nak buat saiz 4R, taip 1 kat ruang 4R dan klik "apply". Maka semua gambar akan set 1x4R... kalau ada nak duplicate leh ubah kat gambar yang korang nak.. taip 2, 3 atau berapa copy yang nak. Paham tak? Lepas tu klik "next"

ni contoh je ok.... kuar camni order details. Ingat ye.. order lebih rm35 free je pos. Jangan order cam kat atas ni.. beli 60sen pos rm5. Edit kalau nak ubah apa-apa maklumat pasal alamat. Pastu klik "next"

haa.. dia tanya boleh tak resize sekadar untuk saiz yang kita pilih tu. Ni untuk jimatkan masa upload. Ada la sikit perubahan warna which is.. ok je bagi saya. Lawa elok je gamba. Klik "yes"

then loading....
kalau dah 100% akan kuar invois cara payment.
Kalau hang software lepas 100% loading leh log in kat website dia balik ataupun jenguk emel.. invoice and cara payment diorg bagi kat emel gak.
Selalunya saya guna kad kredit atau cimbclicks. Kena inform kat emel diorang Kalau pakai maybank2u leh lagi senang terus pay to their maybank account.

cekam kuku @ cagu... adoiii sakit

masa aku duk dalam pantang aritu... memang susah ler nak bergerak.. lebih-lebih lagi masa luka lum baik. Nak berjalan pun terkepit-kepit. Aku tak dapat nak potong kuku kaki sebab susah nak angkat kaki. Akhirnya ibu jari kaki seblah kiri... kukunya sampai tercucuk dalam isi.. maybe sebab selalu sangat korek kuku kaki sebelum potong... daging jadi tumbuh kat tempat kita korek tu.. bila kuku panjang mulalah tercucuk. Aku dah try potong tapi ada lagi yang tertinggal dalam daging.. dah terlambat sebab dah bengkak. Sakit bila tersentuh.

Dan sakitnya ibarat ada jarum dalam isi... bengkak dan bernanah. Nak masuk toilet slalu je elak pakai selipar sebab takut selipar tersentuh jari kaki. Mau meraung. Masa solat pun pernah tersebut "aduh!" tak sengaja sebut sebab terlipat ibu jari masa tahiyat akhir tu. Sebulan kot aku duk tahan sakit. Bila duk google.. diorang kata doktor bius dan kuarkan darah serta nanah. Seram aku pikir.. cukup lah bius beranak tu je.

Apa yang aku buat.. masa sakit sangat aku tenyeh alkohol luka kat ctu. Dengan jarum aku cucuk-cucuk sikit... kuarkan nanah setakat mana yang boleh.. selalu nya 2,3 titik gitu je kuar. Dan hooooo.. sakit lahhh...

Semalam sakit tu dah macam agak neutral ke sebab aku dah biasa? Aku perasan yang bengkaknya dah surut. Last week masih lagi kebiruan. Risau gak kang sampai gangrene.. potong ibu jari. Seram doh. Aku try potong skit-skit kulit yang cam gelupas kat situ. Guna jarum cucuk-cucuk.. eh.. tak de nanah.. tapi masih lagi sakit bila tekan tempat tu. Cuba korek-korek lagi celah kuku tu. Bengkak surut senang lah korek. Dalam sikittt je. Jeng jeng jeng... hujung jarum aku jumpa something. Serpihan kuku sebesar anak semut! Siyes! This tiny winy toe nail debris yang buat aku sakit gila! Lepas aku kuarkan terus ilang sakit kaki yang aku duk tanggung sebulan lebih ni.

Allahuakbar... syukur Alhamdulillah. Allah uji dengan serpihan kuku camtu pun aku tak tahan. Buatkan aku rasa sangat bahawa aku hamba yang sangat lemah di sisi-Nya.

bersalin caesarian tak sakit? kurang risiko?

Masa aku tengah nazak beranak aritu ada gak tergerak. Bukan tergerak.. rasa memang nak je.. suh doctor bedah... tak tahan betul sakit berjam-jam. Menggigil mata separuh je buka... separa sedar gitu. Dah belit oxygen sume. Laki pun dah lemau nunggu tepi katil... kering tekak duk doa selawat... Syukur Alhamdulillah.... keputusan doctor untuk usahakan bersalin normal tu adalah sangat tepat dan paling selamat untuk aku dan baby... ni aku share dari fb.. true story

Kalau satu hari nanti terpaksa bersalin cara caesarian pun.. mungkin sebab yang tak boleh elak. Mudah-mudahan selamat.. tawakal dan berserah. Pesanan buat para suami agar hargai ibu dan isteri. Jangan laju je nak langgar 'pantang'. "Alah..awak tu kan bersalin operate" no no no tau. Tak mau.

emm.. aku pon amek gak epidural ni. Better elakkan tapi dah sakit sangat amek je lah.

Well, this happened today.

Patient 'X' encountered some complications during a Caesarian Section and it started with her suffering from cardiac arrest 3x, hence CPR was commenced 3x throughout the surgery.
The OT was so busy with doctors running around trying to revive and save her.

- 30 packed cells bags (red blood cells)
- 30 cryoprecipitate bags (blood components)
- 20 platelet bags
- 10 fresh frozen plasma bags (blood components)
and also 3 ampules/vials of NovoSeven (Factor 7 - one of the blood clotting/coagulation components, each ampule costs no less than rm5000)
Pam masuk atas, mengalir2 keluar kat bawah.
The 'SUPER FLUID INFUSER MACHINE' i called it, Level 1, was also hard at work. (this is only used in massive bleeding cases yang macam air paip je keluar)

All of these were transfused into one patient.
(The total amount might be more as we kept on calling the Blood Bank, asking for more blood to resuscitate her)
WOW, you said.

The surgeons had to re-operate her as her bleeding never stopped even after they have closed her up. She was in the OT for a total 7hours at least. When I passed the exit door of our OT, I saw her little boy waiting anxiously, peeking over the automatic sliding door every single time the OT Reception receives and sends out patients, wondering if it's his mum the nurses were pushing out.
It was so heartbreaking I had to walk quickly to the changing room sebab dah habuk masuk mata sikit.

The surgeons have issued 'DIL' (Danger in Life/Dangerously Ill Listed) in view of the severity of her condition.
I sure hope she survives.
Her two young kids and a newborn baby are waiting for her.

Patient 'X' is I would say, rather lucky that she was operated on in a hospital with adequate facilities and experienced obstetricians/anaesthetists.
Kalau kat district........I think you can fikir2 lah...nak CPR berapa minit sementara sampai tertiary centres before the patient becomes brain dead if the district hospital is unable to handle such complex case?
There are cases which the medical team managed to resuscitate the patients though but patient's quality of life might be reduced.

Our working diagnosis is Amniotic Fluid Embolism.
Ni maksud dia, air ketuban, sel fetus,rambut atau serpihan (debris?) masuk ke dalam saluran darah ibu yang mana si ibu akan terus mendapat kegagalan fungsi jantung and pernafasan (cardiorespiratory collapse...sorry unable to do a direct translation. any more senior O&G doctors can help me out here)

Yep, that's the kind of risk/sacrifice mothers all over the world have to face in delivering you.

To summarize, my dua kupang advices:
1. To young single mothers:
please, nak bersalin tu, is not without risks. Bukan suka2 main then oppps...Im having a babyyyyy. Then, no antenatal care at all, sampai2 hospital terus delivery. If you're lucky, then Alhamdulillah. But if you're not? Nothing is sadder than a mother-less child.

2. To mothers with pre-existing health conditions:
make sure you are well monitored throughout your pregnancy. It's for your own good. If you have chosen to deliver via Caesarian Section, do your homework and read on the risks involved and then, discuss it with your Obstetrician. The same goes if you have decided to delivery via normal delivery (SVD).
If you are weighing the idea of having a home birth, please, at least discuss with any medical personnel and get their input so you can make a better informed decision (rather than making one based on Facebook posts/'my friend told me that....')
Consider these:
a) Who will monitor your baby in your womb at home? Mana nak tau your baby is having difficulty inside?
b) If indeed your baby is facing difficulties and end up being born with poor APGAR Score (a score we use to assess the baby is OK or not, Low Apgar Score contohnya baby born blue, not crying, not active, lembik saja), who will attend to your baby? Give your baby adequate oxygen? Suction the excess fluid that the baby have swollen?
c) If you get postpartum haemorrhage (pendarahan selepas bersalin), how on earth will you get access to available screened blood for transfusion?
*Khas utk those championing home birth*

3. To boyfriends and husbands,
please, be considerate and mindful of the risks you are putting your wives in when you (both of you) have decided to have a child. See the Obstetricians together and go into the labor room with her, be with her through the excruciating pain. Be with your wife through each step of the way. When you finally get to hold your baby, don't forget to kiss your wife for she had just risked her life for that bundle of joy you're holding in your arms. The complications of delivery do not end the moment your baby is delivered. Remember this.

We have had a husband insisting on the wife to keep on trying to get a baby boy even after we told him that she could die in the process of labor due to her pre-existing health condition.
"Takpa doktor, kami nak cuba" the husband answered while the wife simply looked down to the floor.

Read more dear future parents.
Amniotic fluid embolism, even though is rare, it is not a joke.

Thank You dear Mothers, my Ibu especially.
You are a special bunch of Superheroes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

entry kucing: pergilah sayang

kuserahkan dua haiwan kesayangan ni kepada Chesu. Berat hati. Rindu bagai nak pitam. Kadang aku panggil-panggil nama dia setiap kali duduk depan tv.

Bukan ini yang aku mahukan. Bukan ini yang aku niatkan. Dek kata-kata  orang yang entah apa dihatinya... aku tidak mahu menyusahkan sesiapa. Ya Allah, semoga penjaga yang baru ini akan menyayangi mereka sepenuh hati. Pergi lah sayang... pergi jauh.. moga di sana tiada lagi yang berkata nista.

Puas hati kamu?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

aidiladha 2014 kini bertiga..yeay

Masa ni aku dah abis pantang 40 ari tu... Bahagia habak hang. Raya korban ni family wat akikah baby. Alhamdulillah Ammar dah ada kenderaan di akhirat nanti. Besor lembunya. Gambar yang kat bawah ni adalah gambar pertama 'bertiga'. Monyok skit abang sebab tokP lorat nak pegi semelih lembu. Abang kena ikut sama melapah lembu.

Hari yang sibuk serta penat. Semua duk keja potong dan lapah daging. Edar daging kepada jiran-jiran. Aku plak setia di sisi Ammar 24/7 menyusu. Walaupun tak banyak macam susu lembu tapi bulat elok je anak mama. Dalam gambar ni tak nampak bijik mata dah. Ammar silau..tak suka cahaya terang. 

Dan demikian malam harinya semua tertidur awal. Cancel date nak nonton 'Penanggal'. Kami laki bini dah nonton kt GSC masa honeymoon dedolu. Mahal tiket sebab tayangan pertama gitu. Muvi tu ok gak la.. Seram dan berfalsafah sastera melayu lama. Kadang-kadang bising jeritan penonton bila nampak lurah si fasha sandha. Hoho. 

Salam aidiladha :-)